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ALL NZ BIRDS GO TO a website with Art Gallery, Stories, news, links, and information and pictures of all NZ birds. THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED TO ALL CHILDREN
This page will be added to regularly so check back often. Click the pictures below to enlarge and print them out.
The three birds above are all insect eaters.
Print out these pictures to colour.
feeds on insects which it catches in its beak while flying. It
lays 3-4 eggs which are white with pink markings. WAXEYE WAXEYES also feed on insects which they find among the leaves and bark of shrubs and trees. They also like fruit and if you hang some fat in the garden they will eat that as well. Waxeyes lay 3-4 eggs, pale blue, in their tiny nest of mosses and spiderwebs, which they build in shrubs and trees. They like to feed in flocks and travel through gardens together feeding in the bushes and trees. Waxeyes are mainly green in colour, with a grey back, light grey breast and a ring of white feathers around the eyes, which gives it its name of waxeye or silvereye. Waxeyes are native to New Zealand and are self introduced from Australia. SWALLOW SWALLOWS also feed on insects which they catch in their beaks while in flight. They make their nests of mud and build them under bridges and the eaves of buildings. They lay 3-4 eggs, white with brownish markings. Swallows are blue with a pale buff breast and brick red face. Their wings and tail are long to help them move fast in the air. Swallows are also self introduced from Australia. TUI The
Tui is one of three honey eaters endemic to New Zealand. They
are found no where else in the world. The other two
are the Bellbird and the Stitchbird. The Tui is well
known for its beautiful song, and its electric colours. Tui
are found throughout New Zealand and feed on nectar from flowers, Print out the pictures of birds eggs and see all the different sizes and colours. STORYTIME BELLBIRD'S BIRTHDAY PARTY All through the forest the birds were excited. It was Bellbird's birthday, and there was to be a surprise party for him in the old Kowhai tree by the river. Fantail was to dance in the air. Tui was to sing a special song. Robin and Kiwi were searching the ground for juicy grubs. Pigeon was collecting fresh green leaves. Tomtit and Rifleman were going to recite a poem together. Waxeye was collecting sweet nectar and Kaka and Kea were to be the party clowns. The Kowhai tree was decked in yellow blossom, and strung with seed pods and lacy green leaves. All the birds arrived - but where was Bellbird? Suddenly they all realised that no one had told Bellbird about the surprise party for him, They called for wise Morepork. "Morepork, please find Bellbird for us". Morepork stared at them, and in a soft voice said, "Ask Kokako to go to the top of the tree and call for Bellbird with his flute like call". Kokako went to the very top of the tee and called for Bellbird with his most beautiful voice. Everyone waited as Kokako's call echoed through the forest. There was silence. Suddenly, through the trees, Bellbird appeared. "Hello everyone, what is going on?' he said. "SURPRISE - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLBIRD - LET THE PARTY BEGIN" THE GOLDEN CROWN Kotuku, the white heron, was feeling very happy. At last he had grown his beautiful long white plumes on his back. All his friends said that he was very handsome indeed. "You are so tall" said Poaka the pied stilt. "You are so elegant" said Torea the oystercatcher. "You are so graceful" said Tarapunga the red billed gull. Kotuku was so intent on listening to all this, that he forgot the time, and had to hurry off to feed at the waters edge just as the sun was disappearing over the horizon. He was busy feeding on water insects when something in the water made him look aside. It was a golden disc, just below him in the water. "That would make a beautiful crown for me" he thought, "and I shall be even more handsome". He prodded the golden disc with his long beak, but there was nothing there. He prodded again, still nothing. Just the ripples of the water breaking the golden disc into pieces. Then, suddenly, the golden disc reappeared in the water again, making Kotuku very frustrated. He poked and stabbed at the disc. He even tried to get it with his toes. He tried until the moon was high in the sky. But the golden disc just got smaller and Kotuku was hungry and tired. Suddenly Morepork, the owl, flew by. "You are out late Kotuku, you should be asleep. The night is for owls and mice". "It's this golden disc in the water, Morepork" cried Kotuku. "If I could have it for a crown for my head I would be even more handsome. But I just can't get it". "I'm not surprised" said Morepork. "What you want so much is not a golden crown, but the reflection of the moon in the water. If I were you I would go home to bed and forget about your imaginary crown. You have a lovely golden beak and two golden eyes, why would you want a golden crown?" Kotuku said "I have been a bit silly, haven't I? I just wanted to be more beautiful". He looked in the water to see the golden disc one more time, but it was gone. He looked up at the moon, but that was gone as well, behind a cloud. Kotuku said goodnight to Morepork and flew slowly home to bed. As he flew, the moon came out from behind the cloud, and Kotuku could see his beak glowing golden in the moonlight. "Oh! yes," he said to himself, "I truly am a handsome bird, even without a golden crown". THE NESTING HOLE It was Spring, and the birds were looking for homes for their new families. Kotare, the Kingfisher, had found a lovely cosy hole near the top of an old beech tree. "You can't nest there" said Morepork, the Owl, "I want that hole for my family." "No, said Kakariki, the Parakeet. "I want that hole for my nest." Titipounamu, the Rifleman said "It's far too small for you all. I shall have that hole for my nest, and I shall line it with soft feathers for my eggs." "Too small" said Kaka, the Parrot. "I will soon make it big with my sharp beak and I shall have it for my nest." They all wanted the cosy hole in the old beech tree. But only one of them could have it. What could they do? Suddenly, the wind, tired of listening to them argueing, decided to do something about it. He took a deep breath, and he blew, and blew, and BLEW. He blew through the hills. He blew through the trees. He blew until he blew the top of the old beech tree down. As it fell, holes appeared all down its huge trunk. "Look" said Kaka, "here is a big hole at the top for me." "And here is a nice deep hole for me" said Kotare. Morepork said quietly "Oh! this hole is for me and my family," as he found a lovely dark hole near the top of the trunk. "I'll have this little hole hidden in the moss" said Titipounamu. And Kakariki chose a lovely snug hole ihn the middle of the huge tree. "Now, is everyone happy?" said the wind, and settled down again to a gentle Spring breeze. |
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